Krahn PTO Executive Board Nominations

Nominations will be held at the PTO General Meeting.  Date, time, and location still to be determined.  All candidates for officer positions submitted online must be registered with the Nomination Committee by (TBD). Floor nominations will also be accepted at the PTO General Meeting. 


The PTO Executive Board is comprised of nominated officers and school representatives.  The PTO Executive Board meets once a month during the school year to conduct PTO business.  Anyone may attend.  General meetings for the entire membership are scheduled twice per year:  one in August to approve the budget, one in May to nominate officers.  


Nominated Officers

  • President - Serve as leader and key contact for the PTO;  preside at all PTO meetings;  ex-officio member of most committees;  appoint chairpersons for special committees;  coordinate the work of officers and committees so that the PTO's objectives can be met.  (Effort:  year-round, on-going)
  • Vice President - Act as an aide to the President;  perform the duties of the President in absence or inability of that officer to serve;  assume other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Board;  coordinate the general activities of any special committees created by the Executive Board;  maintain membership website or assign duties as needed to other Board members to maintain website.  Ideally - is willing to serve as President in the future.  (Effort:  year-round, time varies depending upon roles)
  • Secretary - Keep the minutes of all general meetings and all meetings of the Executive Board;  prepare correspondence and perform all other duties assigned;  maintain master documents;  keep the calendar of events for the PTO;  create and publish monthly newsletter for the organization;  Catalog and supervise the property of the organization.  (Effort 4-5 routine hours per month, includes attending meeting and typing up minutes).
  • Treasurer - Be responsible for and have custody of all funds;  make disbursements as properly authorized;  be present at all PTO events where money will be collected;  assure that PTO policies and best practices are followed with regards to funds;  prepare financial reports for each meeting and as needed;  prepare the books for an annual audit.  (Effort 4-5 routine hours per month, average).
  • Volunteer Coordinator - Coordinates the work of the volunteers and volunteer approval;  organize all volunteer areas as requested by school, recruiting chairpersons when necessary;  maintain the membership volunteer database;  assist volunteers seeking background check approval.  (Effort 1-2 routine hours per month, average).
  • Events Coordinator - Manage events or assign a member to coordinate activities, such as, but not limited to:  Field Day, holiday parties, art and music events, Hoe Down, 5th Grade Appreciation, Fall Festival, and teacher appreciation activities;  report to the Board on the timing and status of upcoming events as necessary;  assume duties of an event leader if the volunteer is unable to serve.  (Effort 3-4 routine hours per month, average).
  • Fundraiser Coordinator - Manage or assist the PTO's fundraising activities;  coordinate up to three fundraisers throughout the school year.  (Efforts 3-4 routine hours per month, average).


Thank you for your interest in the PTO Executive Board.  We appreciate your willingness to give of your time and talents in supporting our students, families and staff.  Your contributions not only help Klein ISD, but you will meet some wonderful friends and have fun!

Nominee Name

Contact Info

Student Current Grade Level
Student Current Grade Level (reset)

Additional Student Current Grade Level (reset)

Nominated Officers
Position Applying for


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